more heart

Slopped around some paint and sketching in the Am to just get out of a major futz, and then picked up the second figure for Tabula Memoria. YES. “More heart” indeed: the first attempt was arbitrarily stitched, but i think the actual heart attempt on this, the second attempt, is MUCH better.

The first/older aborted start, below:

The new Valdani threads came in handy, but rather than dividing the 3 strands, i left it as a 3ply. Seems to be finer than DMC (though not as smooth), but worked like a dream.

And using the stretcher was actually much easier than i thought it would be. I left re-starting this one a (too long) while, as i hate using hoops of any sort at the best of times, so KERPOW to you Misconception. I wrassled ya down. This haremcloth behaved itself beautifully.

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  1. Pingback: blobbing along | albedo too

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